FAQ:New Controller Grips Cover with Battery opening
Q:Is the plastic battery pull tab durable? What if it is damaged?
A:The set comes with multiple battery pull tabs (I think 4 extra) so if one breaks you can swap it out. Definitely no worries on this.
Q:How to clean it without taking off the whole grips cover?
A:You can clean it with wet wipes and then dry it with tissues. Be careful not to let the cleaning fluid flow into the battery compartment.
Q:Will replacing the battery compartment cover affect the functions of the controllers?
A:Not at all, because there is no built-in chip or tracker in the original battery compartment cover. After using the upgraded version, it will only make it easier to remove and reinstall the battery.
Q:Where is the plastic battery pull tab stored when the battery compartment is closed?
A:The tab remains in the compartment underneath the batter and wrapped over the top when you put on the cover.